As I’ve discussed before, applying to a good guild can be a serious proposition. I might be considered a little crazy and possibly elitist for saying this, but its the simple truth: when I form a group to do something, I treat every prospective group member as if they were applying to a high end guild. I may not be quite as thorough, but for every person that asks to join, I reply with a quick delaying response, then spend 2 minutes quickly researching them.
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I’m not currently playing a MMO, but I’ve had more experience in that area than I care to mention. Central to this genre it the social aspect: grouping together with 4-5 other other players to accomplish tasks. As you progress towards the endgame, groups lead to raids, where 20+ players join together. Depending on the game, things can get a little crazy, with 100+ people trying to take down an objective, and hopefully not the servers.
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I’ve come to realize that I’m really bad at blogging. I don’t seem to have any difficulties putting words to paper, but the act of publishing what I’ve written presents me with a bit of a quandary; I just can’t seem to take a post out of draft status until I’ve gone over it several times. I perform revisions and rewording, check to make sure nothing I’ve said would offend any current or future employers, make sure what I’m posting is useful and interesting to somebody, and… well, the list of excuses goes on.
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The general idea behind printing is to get things on the printed page looking the same as they do on your screen. The program you’re using makes API calls to the OS to draw text and graphics on your screen. These calls can also be used to draw the same content on the printer. The printer driver acts as a middleman in most situations, converting native API calls into one of two things: raw data or a page description language.
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I’ve been dealing with a failing LCD in the instrument cluster of my Audi for years. At first a horizontal line or two would just disappear on me, and come back after an hour with the engine running. Over time the number of missing lines increased, and they stayed missing permanently. It finally reached the point seen here, where it is difficult and sometimes impossible to read the information displayed. The longer I tried to ignore the problem, the worse it became.
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